Wednesday 31 March 2010

Team 2 - Evaluation of Final Piece

Our evaluation didn't go without some errors that were picked up on by my class. The errors didn't really effect the overall enjoyment of the film; however, were visible to the audience. The first error was that we did break the 180 degree rule in one of our shots, with the characters switching sides on the screen. We had to do this in order to put the third character into the shot and keep to our script.
The second error we encountered was the non-diegetic music to our film which was slightly out of sync with the actual footage. At the start, it isn't really noticeable but as the film develops, the audience can identify the error. There is a time where the non-diegetic music overshadows the speech from one of the characters, making the characters speech only just audible.
In all, these errors could have been avoided but due to the matter of time, we were unable to correct these errors.

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